Kitchen Gift's

Personalized gifts for home!


Personalized Glasses and Mugs!

Personalized Drinkware

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Custom Engraved Acacia Wooden Serving Board with Two Tools Set of 6 Personalized Custom Wood Square Coasters Set of 4 Personalized Custom Wooden Square Coasters Engraved Wooden Custom Wine Accessories Gift Set Engraved Round Acacia Wood/Slate European Bread Board

The Lotus Craft

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Personalized Kitchen Gift's

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The Lotus Craft Gift Card

Regular price $10.00

Don't take our word for it. Hear what our customers say.

I had a custom logo printed on the glasses from a picture of a sign. All the glasses turned out really great! I would definitely purchase more glasses from here in the future.

Tiffany Koehler

Best store to buy from they were very accommodating and efficient. Quality was great and it came very fast. Perfect for last minute gifts

Jayleen Dunlap

Items came out really nice. I was missing one item but the customer service was excellent, shipping the item to me when it’s ready. Good quality beer mug and shot glasses too.

Vee Gonzalez